Saturday, September 30, 2006

Marvel Knights: Colleen Wing

Real Name: Colleen Wing

Base of Operations:New York

Occupation: Private investigator, bail bondswoman, bounty hunter

Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: blue

Hair: brown
Unusual Features: None

First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #19 Nov, (1972)

Group Affiliation: Heroes for Hire, Daughters of the Dragon

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d10,

Strength: d8, Vigor d10

Charisma: +2 , Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 7

Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Investigation: d86, Knowledge: Samurai Culture (d8), Lock-picking d8, Notice d8, Persuasion: d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d10, Streetwise d8.

Edges: Attractive, Block, First Strike, Sweep, Trademark Weapon (Family Katana),

Hindrances: Heroic, Stubborn,

Super Powers:

Attack Melee ”Combat Training” +1d6, (Non HW)

Equipment: Katana (Str + 4)

A brief history of Colleen Wing

Marvel Knights: Misty Knight

Real Name: Mercedes "Misty" Knight

Base of Operations:New York

Occupation: Private investigator, bail bondswoman, bounty hunter; former police officer

Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 136 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Unusual Features: None

First Appearance:
(unnamed) Marvel Team-Up (vol. 1) #1 (March, 1972),

(name revealed) Marvel Premiere #20 (January, 1975)

Group Affiliation: Heroes for Hire, Daughters of the Dragon, New York Police Department

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d8, Spirit: d10,Strength: d8 (d12+4), Vigor d10

Charisma: +2 , Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 7

Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Guts d10, Intimidation d10, Investigation: d10, Knowledge: (Law Enforcement d8), Notice d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Streetwise d10.

Edges: Attractive, Combat Reflexes, Investigator, Level Headed, Marksman.

Hindrances: Heroic, Stubborn,

Super Powers:

Misty Knight's bionic right arm possesses superhuman strength, which she can use in a vise-like grip; however, since the rest of her body has not been bionically altered, she cannot use her strength to lift heavier weights than she could with normal human strength.

Attack Melee: +2d6, Focus, Knock-Back, HW

Super Attributes: Str (Bionic Arm only)

A brief history of Misty Knight

Friday, September 22, 2006

Marvel Knights: Moon Knight

Real Name: Marc Spector

Aliases: Jake Lockley, Steven Grant

Base of Operations:
New York

Occupation: Adventurer, entrepreneur, former cab driver, mercenary, CIA liaison, U.S. Marine commando, and heavyweight boxer

Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 225 lbs, (102 kgs)
Eyes: brown
Hair: dark-brown brown
Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Unknown at this time

Group Affiliation: (Formerly) Daredevil's Unnamed Super-Hero Team, Avengers (West Coast), Defenders associate, the Committee, CIA, U.S. Marines

First Appearance: Werewolf by Night #32 (1975)

Attributes: Agility: d10 (d12*), Smarts: d6, Spirit: d10, Strength: d10 (d12+3*), Vigor d10 (d12 +2*)

Charisma: , Pace: 8, Parry: 9 (10) Toughness: 7 (9) / 9 (11)

Skills: Climbing d10, Driving: d6, Fighting d10 (d12*), Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Investigation d6, Knowledge: (Finance, Werewolves, Intelligence Community: d6), Lock picking: d8, Notice d8, Pilot: d6, Shooting: d10, Stealth d10, Streetwise d8, Throwing d10, Tracking d8

Edges: Arcane Edge (Super Powers) Acrobat, Block, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, First Strike, Sweep, Nerves Of Steel, Thief, Trademark Weapons (Truncheon, Crescent Darts) Two-Fisted.

Hindrances: Heroic, Delusional(Multiple Personalities)

Super Powers:

Combat Training + 1d6 to melee attacks (non HW)

Bonus against mental attacks/mind-reading +3 (Protected by Konshu or due to Spector's multiple personalities)

Super Attributes: Agil, Str, Vig.
* When exposed to moon light, Moon knight has boosted attributes/skills


Costume: +2 Toughness (Silver mesh)

*Cestus Gloves: Str +2 damage (Silver coated)

Crescent-Darts: Str +2, Range: melee, ROF:3 (slver coated)

Glider Cape: Flight (2) “Glide” at flight speed, needs a high altitude to launch from.
Truncheon Sticks: Attack melee/ranged: Str+2d6+1, (non HW), Non-lethal, ROF: 2 (Silver coated)
Grapple and hook: Swinging,

* worn depending on mission.

Silver protects against supernatural related threats

“Fist Of Konshu” Egyptian themed weaponry

Ankh: Glows in the presence of danger giving Moon Knight the equivalent of Awareness: Danger Sense.

Bola: Ensnare

Ivory Boomerang: Ranged attack +2d6 (Non HW)
*returns to sender after attack

Lasso: Ensnare, Swinging.

Scarab Darts: Str +2, Range: melee, ROF:3

Throwing Irons: Str +3, Range: melee, ROF:2 (blunt damage only)


Acc/Top Speed: 30/65, Climb: 25, Toughness: 20 (5) Crew: 1 (Can seat 4), Cost: Unknown

20mm Machine Guns

Anti-Missile Counter Measures
Communications: Satellite link-up
Heavy Armor
Improved Stabilizer
Stealth/Silent Running: Invisibility from mechanical devices such as sonar or radar as well as listening. –4 to .
VTOL: The Moon-copter can land and takeoff vertically.

Auto-Pilot: The on-board computer can maintain control with a d4 piloting roll.
Sensors: No situational penalties to notice, range :1 mile.

A brief history of
Moon Knight

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Marvel Knights/Avengers: The Black Panther

Real Name: T'Challa

Base of Operations: Wakanda/Global

Alias: Luke Charles, Black Leopard, Nubian Prince, the Client, Coal Tiger, has impersonated
Daredevil and others on occasion

Occupation: Monarch of Wakanda, scientist; former schoolteacher

Height: 6’
Weight: 200 lbs, (92kg)
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Married to
Ororo Monroe

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #52 (July 1966)

Group Affiliation:
Avengers, Defenders, Fantastic Force, Illuminati

Attributes: Agility: d12+2, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d12, Strength: d12+2, Vigor d12+2.

Charisma:+2 , Pace: 8, Parry: 10, Toughness: 9 (11)

Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d12, Guts d12, Intimidation d10, Knowledge: (Engineering, Physics d10), Lock-picking d6, Notice d10, Persuasion d8, Pilot d8, Repair d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d12, Streetwise d6, Tracking d12.

Edges: Arcane Edge (Super Powers), Acrobat, Block,Charismatic, Combat Reflexes, Combat sense, Command, Connections, Dodge, First Strike, Filthy Rich, Fleet-Footed, Jack-Of-All-Trades, Noble, Quick, Filthy Rich, Scholar: (Computers, Physics, Engineering), Two-Fisted, Woodsman,

Hindrances: Heroic, Stubborn,

Super Powers:

Attack Melee ”Combat Training” +1d6, (Non HW)
Leap 1
Heightened Senses, Eagle Eyes, Tracking.Super Attributes: Agil, Str, Vig.


Vibranium microweave mesh uniform:
The microweave robs incoming objects of their momentum; bullets do not ricochet off but simply fall to the ground when they come in contact with the weave. Likewise, the Panther cannot be stabbed; however, the costume (and Panther) can be cut if the attacker slashes along the uniform's grain.

Armor +2, Heavy Armor

Absorption: Kinetic attacks only, –3 to do a slashing attack against the uniforms grain.

Morphing: The cloak can be elongated, shortened or eliminated with a thought, and the entire costume can morph into a black business suit.

Chameleon (clothing only)

Blending: As per “Stealth” suit in NE equipment section of the NE plotpoint adventure book.

Lenses in the mask: cut glare and enhance the Panther's natural night vision.

Immunity: Light based stun attacks

Dark-Vision, requires activation.

Claws in the gloves: Are made of Antarctic vibranium-based "Anti-Metal" that can break down most metals at the molecular level.

Attack Melee +1d6, HW
Decay (metal only)

Energy-dampening boots:

Energy regulators create varying fields from the vibranium in the molded soles of the boots, enabling Panther to survive a fall of several stories and land like a cat. Given enough momentum, the Panther can also scale walls or skim across water. The field can be also used offensively to shatter or weaken objects.

Attack Melee +1d6, HW, Focus.

Wall Walker

Can fall as per Leap power at level 5.

Energy dagger:

With an ornate hilt carved of ivory or some kind of stone, and an energy-generated blade that can be set to stun or kill. The energy blades can be handled like either a physical knife or fired like darts, and regenerated repeatedly

Attack ranged, +2d6, HW, Focus, Non-Lethal ROF:2

Kimoyo card:

An extremely powerful and versatile PDA. It functions similarly to the Avengers' communicards, but with many more practical applications. In one instance , the Panther called up a schematic of a jumbo jet's cockpit controls and took command of the plane, landing the plane safely in a river. "Kimoyo" is Bantu for "of the spirit." It can also home in on the unique energy signature Panther's Energy Dagger "marks" his prey with.
+6 to track targets hit with energy daggers.

A brief history of The Black Panther

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Marvel Knights: Cloak & Dagger (Bretbo)


Real Name: Tyrone Johnson

Base of Operations: New York Occupation: Vigilante

Height: 5’9”
Weight: 155 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Unusual Features: None.
Marital Status:

First Appearance: Spectacular Spider-Man #64 (1982)

Group Affiliation: Partner of Dagger, Daredevil's Unnamed Super-Hero Team,

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d8, Strength: d8, Vigor d10

Charisma: -2 , Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 9

Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8, Streetwise d10.

Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Thief.

Hindrances: Loyal, Mean, Poverty, Vow (Major – destroy the illegal drug trade).

Super Powers:

Attack, Melee (Cloak): 2d6 damage, 2” reach.

Energy Control: Elemental Trick – Cold & Darkness, Large Burst Template,
*Each wound a target takes allows Cloak a Healing Roll, Dagger is immune to this power and anyone within her light effects are also immune.

Ensnare: Ranged Attack, Stronger

Immunity: Cold.


Teleport: 24”, Teleport Others.

Toughness +4.

A brief history of Cloak


Real Name: Tandy Bowen

Base of Operations: New York

Occupation: Vigilante

Height: 5’5”
Weight: 115 lbs

Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Unusual Features: None.
Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Spectacular Spider-Man #64 (1982)

Group Affiliation: Partner of Cloak, Daredevil's Unnamed Super-Hero Team, New Warriors, Secret Defenders

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d10, Strength: d6, Vigor d8

Charisma: +2 , Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 6 (9)

Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Streetwise d10, Throwing d10.

Edges: Acrobat, Arcane Background (Super Powers), Attractive, Dodge.

Hindrances: Loyal, Poverty, Vow (Major – destroy the illegal drug trade).

Super Powers:

Armor +3 (Light Shield)

Attack, Ranged: 2d6 damage, Elemental Trick – Light, ROF:3

Energy Control: Elemental Trick – Light, Large Burst Template,
*Anyone “bathed” in Dagger’s light is immune to the effects of Cloak’s Energy Control-Darkness Power.

Healing: Revive, Only works on effects from drugs.

Immunity: Cloak’s Powers.

A brief history of Dagger

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Marvel Knights: The Black Cat (by Pampero)

Real Name: Felicia Hardy

Base of Operations: New York City
Occupation: Adventurer, former burglar
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Unusual Features: None.
Marital Status: single.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record, granted legal amnesty
Identity: Known to legal authorities
Former Aliases: Felicity Harmon
Group Affiliation: Former partner of Spider-Man
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #194 (1979)

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d8, Spirit: d8, Strength: d6 (d12), Vigor d6 (d10)Charisma: +2 ,

Pace: 6, Parry: 8, Toughness: 5 (7)

Skills: Climbing d12, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Guts d8, Intimidation d6, Investigation d8, Lockpicking d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Shooting d10,Stealth d12, Streetwise d8, Taunt d8.

Edges: Acrobat, Attractive, Block, Charismatic, Dodge, Quick, Thief

Hindrances: Overconfident, Vengeful, Heroic (Major)

Super Powers: Jinx


Costume [d12 Strength, d10 Vigor, Claws: (1d6 Melee Attack), Wall Walking]

Earrings: d12+1 Agility

Contact Lenses: Darkvision, Heightened Senses.

A brief history of The Black Cat

Friday, September 08, 2006

Marvel Knights: The Prowler

Real Name: Hobie Brown

Base of Operations:New York

Occupation: Inventor, freelance operative; former construction worker, window washer

Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 180 lbs, (82kg)
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Unusual Features: None
Marital Status: Married to Mindy Brown

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man v1 #78 (November 1969)

Group Affiliation: Silver Sable’s
Wild Pack, the Outlaws

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d8, Spirit: d6, Strength: d10, Vigor d8

Charisma: , Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 6 (9)

Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d8, Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Knowledge: (Engineering, Electronics, Pneumatics: d8) Lock-picking d10, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Streetwise d8,

Edges: Arcane Edge (Super Powers), Acrobat, Dodge, Gadgeteer, McGyver, Mr. Fix-it, Thief,

Hindrances: Heroic, Stubborn,

Super Powers/

Armored Costume: +3, Heavy Armor, Total coverage.

Nightvision Goggles: As per NE book.

Pneumatic Boots: Leap (3)

Cape: Flight (2) “Glide” at flight speed, needs a high altitude to launch from.

Gauntlet Weapon Systems:

Attack Melee +2d6, AP 3, HW
Wall Walking

Attack Ranged +1d6, AP 5 ROF:1
KO Gas: (Paralysis, Extra Duration, Stronger, MBT)
Weakness Gas: “Negation” 3 (Str only) Spirit vs. d10
Air Blast: Make –2 Agility Roll or be knocked prone.
Fog: (-6 to fighting, shooting LBT)

A brief history of The Prowler

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Marvel Knights: The Punisher (by Bretbo)

Real Name: Frank Castle

Base of Operations: New York

Occupation: Vigilante; former Special Forces instructor, U.S. Marine
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 200 lbs (92 kgs)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Unusual Features: None.
Marital Status: Widowed, currently single
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #129 (1974)

Group Affiliation: Formerly Daredevil's Unnamed Super-Hero Team, Green Berets, U.S. Marine Corps

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d8, Strength: d10, Vigor d10

Charisma: -2 , Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8 (11)

Skills: Climbing d6, Driving d8, Fighting d10, Guts d12, Healing d6, Intimidation d10, Knowledge: (Tactics, Demolitions) d8, Lock-picking d6, Notice d6 (+2), Persuasion d8, Piloting d6, Repair d6, Shooting d12, Stealth d8, Streetwise d10, Survival d6, Swimming d6, Taunt d6, Throwing d8, Tracking d6.

Edges: Altertness, Brawny, Dead Shot, Dodge, First Strike, Florentine, Frenzy, Hard to Kill, Marksman, Nerves of Steel, Rock and Roll!, Steady Hands, Two-Fisted.

Hindrances: Blood Thirsty, Death Wish, Enemy (Major - Mafia) Loyal, Mean, Vengeful (Major), Wanted (Major).

Super Powers:

• Combat Training + 1d6 to melee attacks (non HW)


Castle’s ever-changing arsenal includes firearms, explosives and weapons of all sorts (he has access to just about everything listed in Savage Worlds, pages 42 – 44). The following is what he usually carries

Battle Dress:

• Armor +3

Favorite Weapons

• Ballistic Knife (d10+2, Range: melee)
• M-16 Assault Rifle (2d8, Range: 24/48/96, RoF: 3, AP: 2, Auto, 3RB).
• .45 Browning Pistol (2d6+1, Range: 12/24/48, RoF: 1, AP: 1, SA).
• Mk67 Fragmantation Grenades (x6) (3d6, Range (Thrown): 5/10/20, MBT).

A brief history of: The Punisher

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Marvel Knights Rogues: Kingpin

Real Name: Wilson Grant Fisk

Base of Operations:New York

Occupation: Criminal organizer and mastermind, president and owner of legitimate businesses

Height: 6’ 7”

Weight: 450, (122kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
Unusual Features: No unusual features
Marital Status: Married to Vanessa

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #50 (July 1967)

Group Affiliation: Leader of a coalition of East Coast non-Maggia criminal organizations, former manager of Las Vegas HYDRA faction, "Acts of Vengeance" prime movers

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d10, Strength: d12+1, Vigor d12+2

Charisma: +2, Pace: 6, Parry: 8, Toughness: 13

Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d10, Guts d10, Intimidation d12, Investigation d6, Knowledge: (Business: d8), Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Streetwise d12, Throwing d8, Taunt d8.

Edges: Arcane Edge (Super Powers) Block, Brawny, Charasmatic, Command, Fast Healer, Nerves Of Steel, Sweep, Strong Willed.

Hindrances: Code Of Honor (Major), Vengeful (Major)

Super Powers/ Equipment:

Attack melee: +1d6, (Non HW)
Size +1, Monster
Toughness: +2

A brief history of Kingpin

Friday, September 01, 2006

Marvel Knights Rogues: Bullseye

Real Name: Lester (last name unknown)

Base of Operations: Global
Occupation: Freelance assassin, professional thief; former Major League Baseball pitcher, mercenary, extortionist
Height: 6’
Weight: 175 lbs. (before Adamantium implants),
200 lbs. (with Adamantium implants)
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond
Unusual Features: Color-blind, bullseye-shaped scar on forehead (caused by Daredevil)
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: Daredevil #131 (1976)

Attributes: Agility: d12, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d10, Strength: d10, Vigor d10

Charisma:, Pace: 6, Parry: 9, Toughness: 11

Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d10, Guts d8, Intimidation d12, Lock-Picking d10, Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Shooting d12+2, Stealth d8, Streetwise d10, Throwing d12+2, Tracking d8, Taunt d10.

Edges: Ambidextrous, Arcane Edge (Super Powers), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Expert (Shooting, Throwing), Frenzy, Marksman, Master of Arms, Quick, Quick Draw (Weapon of choice), Steady Hands, Improved Trademark Weapon (Weapon of choice), Strong Willed, Thief, Two-Fisted.

Hindrances: Arrogant (Major), Blood Thirsty (Major),

Super Powers:

  • Attack melee +1d6 (Non HW) “Combat Training
  • Attack Ranged: +2d6, AP 4, ROF:3 (Throwing Weapons)
  • Parry (+1), Catch + Throw.
  • Tough +4, Hardy (Adamantium Bones, Cannot be broken by normal means)
Equipment: Bullseye has access to any form of weaponry he needs for a contract. From machine guns to paper clips, any weapon Bullseye uses becomes his trademark weapon.

A brief history of: Bullseye