Tuesday, April 28, 2009

DC Comics: Wildcat I (Golden Age)

Real Name: Ted Grant

Base of Operations: New York City
Occupation: Prize Fighter/Adventurer
Height: 6’ 5”
Weight: 250 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Unusual Features: None
Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Sensation Comics # 1(Jan 1942)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d10, Strength: d12, Vigor d12+2

Charisma: -, Pace: 6, Parry: 11, Toughness: 10

Skills: Climb d8, Driving d8, Fighting d12, Guts d12, Intimidation d10, Investigation d4, Knowledge: (Boxing d12, Sports Medicine d6), Notice d6, Pilot d6, Stealth d8, Streetwise d10, Swimming d8, Taunt d8, Throwing d8

Edges: Acrobat, Brawny, Block, Frenzy, Improved First-Strike, Quick, Improved Sweep, Two-Fisted, Trademark Weapon (Boxing).

Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”


Acc/Top Speed: 18/34; Toughness: 7 (2); Crew: 1+1;
A brief history of Wildcat I

DC Comics: Cyclotron (Golden Age "Ret-Con")

Real Name: Terry Curtis

Base of Operations: New York City

Height: 5’ 11”

Weight: 182 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Unusual Features: n/a
Marital Status: n/a

First Appearance:

Terry Curtis: Action Comics #21 (1940)

Cyclotron: All Star Squadron #21 (1983)

Group Affiliation: Injustice Society

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d8, Strength: d12+6, Vigor d12+2

Charisma: -4, Pace: 8, Parry: 7, Toughness: 11.

Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6,Investigate d8, Knowledge: (Nuclear Physics d10), Notice d6, Repair d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Throw d6,

Edges: Berserk, Brawny, Fleet-footed, Sweep, Two-Fisted

Hindrances: *Unstable Powers, Daughter held hostage by The Ultra-Humanite

Super Powers:

Attack Melee: +2d6, AP 3, Focus, Knock-back
Attack Ranged: 3d6, AP 5, Elemental Trick:”Radiation”,Knock-Back, ROF:2
Elemental Trick: “Radiation”, LBT, Selective.
Energy Control: Radiation
Flight 240 mph
Super Attributes: Str, Vigor
Toughness: +2, Hardy

*Cyclotron has the ability to release all of his energy in one atomic bomb level burst, but doing so would also be terminal for him.
GM’s discretion as to the damage caused

A brief history of

DC Comics: Ian Karkull (Golden Age) (By Bretbo)

Real Name: Ian Karkull

Base of Operations: Mobile

Occupation: Professional criminal, scientist
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 161 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald
Unusual Features: None
Marital Status: Single (during WWII)

First Appearance: More Fun Comics #69 (August 1941)

Group Affiliation: None

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d12, Strength: d6/12+5, Vigor d6

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 5/13

Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Archeology d10, Occult d12, Science d10, Technology d12), Notice d10, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d10, Taunt d8

Edges: Connections, Strong Willed

Hindrances: Greedy (Major), Heartless, Vengeful (Major)

Super Powers:

Growth: +8 Size
Sorcery: 13 ranks (Attributes in green above are modified by Karkull's Growth power)

Equipment: *None.

A brief history of: Ian Karkull

Saturday, April 25, 2009

DC Comics: The Flash (Golden Age)

Real Name: Jay Garrick

Base of Operations: Keystone City

Occupation: Research Scientist/Adventurer

Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 179lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Single (During WWII)

First Appearance:
Flash Comics #1(January 1940)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d8, Spirit: d10, Strength: d6, Vigor d12+2

Charisma: +2, Pace: 8, Parry: 7/13 , Toughness: 9

Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d12, Intimidation d6, Knowledge: (Engineering: d8), Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Repair d6, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6, Taunt d8, Throwing d8,

Edges: Block, Charismatic, Connections, Improved Frenzy, Improved Sweep, Level headed, Dodge,
First Strike, Quick, Strong Willed, Two-fisted

Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal

Super Powers:

Speed (Sonic) (5), Pummel, Vibrate, Whirlwind.

Attack Melee (Super Speed Punch): +3d6, HW, Focus, Knock-back,


Deflection: (-8)

Extra Action X2

Immunity: Heat/Friction from moving at high speeds

Parry (+6), Catch & Throw,

Stun (4), Stronger (Sonic boom attack)

Super Edges: In Red


Helmet +4 to Protect Head only
+1d6 damage as a thrown weapon

A brief history of
The Flash I

DC Comics: Captain Nazi (Originally Quality Comics)

Real Name: Albrecht Krieger.

Base of Operations: Mobile

Occupation: Axis Agent

Height: 6’ 4”
Weight: 205
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Master Comics #21 (December 1941)

Group Affiliation: Nazi Party

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d12, Spirit: d10, Strength: d12+7, Vigor d12+6,

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6 (240 mph Flight), Parry: 8, Toughness: 14

Skills: Climb d8, Fighting d10, Guts d12, Investigation d6, Knowledge: (Demolitions, Forgery d10), Notice d8, Repair d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d10, Taunt d10, Throwing d10,

Edges: Brawny, Command, Quick, Sweep, Two-Fisted.

Hindrances: Arrogant, Heartless, Overconfident, Loyal (Nazi party)

Super Powers:

Attack Melee +3d6, AP 5, Focus, Knock-back
Parry +1, Catch and Throw
Super Attributes: Str, Vigor
Toughness +2, Hardy, Heavy Armor


Zyyflon 227 Flying Gas: Flight 240 mph

Captain Nazi has to periodically expose himself to this gas to gain the flight power. If during combat the opponent draws a joker then the Captain Nazi loses this power until he can gain access the gas again.

A brief history of
Captain Nazi

DC Comics: The Icicle (Golden Age) (By Bretbo)

Real Name: Joar Mahkent

Base of Operations: Gotham City

Occupation: Professional criminal, physicist, inventor
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 179 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Single (during WWII)

First Appearance: All-American Comics #90 (October 1947)

Group Affiliation: Injustice Society of the World

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d12, Spirit: d6, Strength: d6, Vigor d6

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 8 (3)

Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Knowledge (Science d12, Technology d12), Notice d8, Repair d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Taunt d8

Edges: Connections, Dodge, Mechanical Genius

Hindrances: Greedy (Major), Heartless

Super Powers: Attack, Melee: +1d6 (non HW), “Combat Training”


Armor: +3 Toughness, Device (Insulated Suit)

Energy Control: Cold, Elemental Trick (Cold), Large Burst Template, Device (Cold Ray Gun)
Ensnare: Ranged Attack, Stronger, Device (Cold Ray Gun)
Immunity: Cold/Ice, Device (Insulated Suit)

A brief history of: Icicle

Thursday, April 23, 2009

DC Comics: Mr. Terrific (Golden Age)

Real Name: Terry Sloan

Base of Operations: Gateway City

Occupation: Businessman/Adventurer
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Sensation Comics # 1(Jan 1942)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d12, Spirit: d10, Strength: d10, Vigor d12

Charisma: +4, Pace: 8, Parry: 9 Toughness: 8

Skills: Climb d10, Driving d10, Fighting d10, Guts d12, Healing d10, Intimidation d8, Investigation d10, Knowledge: (Engineering, History, Sciences d10), Lock Picking d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d10,
Pilot d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6, Swimming d10, Taunt d10, Throwing d10, Tracking d8.

Edges: Acrobat, Alertness, Ambidextrous, Attractive, Block, Charismatic, Combat Reflexes, Dodge. First Strike, Filthy Rich, Fleet-Footed, Jack Of All Trades, Scholar, Quick, Sweep, Thief, Two-fisted, Strong Willed.

Hindrances: Code Of Honor, Heroic, Loyal, Vow:
(“Fair Play”.. Mr. Terrific always fights and operates by the “Fair Play” credo)

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”

Speak Language, Written Word

Equipment: None

A brief history of
Mr. Terrific I

DC Comics: The Thinker I (By Bretbo)

Real Name: Clifford DeVoe

Base of Operations: Keystone City

Occupation: Professional criminal, former District Attorney

Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 173 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
Unusual Features: None
Marital Status: Single (during WWII)

First Appearance: All-Flash #12 (Fall, 1943)

Group Affiliation: Injustice Society of the World

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d8/d12+1, Spirit: d10, Strength: d6, Vigor d6

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 5

Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d10, Intimidation d10, Investigation d8, Knowledge (Law d10, Technology d8/d12), Lockpicking d6, Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Repair d8/d12, Shooting d8, Taunt d10

Edges: Connections, Danger Sense, Level Headed, Nerves of Steel, Strong Willed

Hindrances: Arrogant, Heartless, Vengeful (Major)

Super Powers:

“Thinking Cap” post 1947

Illusion: 6 levels (64” cubed), Device (Thinking Cap)
Mind Control: More minds (x15), Device (Thinking Cap)
Super-Attribute: Smarts, Device (Thinking Cap)
Super-Skill:: Knowledge (Technology) and Repair, Device (Thinking Cap)
Telekinesis: Level 4, d12+4 Strength, Device (Thinking Cap)
Teleport: More range (36” range), Device (Thinking Cap)

When using his Thinking Cap, the Thinker uses the green values

A brief history of: The Thinker I

DC Comics: Kung (Golden Age "Ret-Con")

Real Name: Thomas Morita

Base of Operations: Mobile

Height: 5’ 9”

Weight: 159 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Unusual Features: n/a

Marital Status: n/a

First Appearance: Wonder Woman #237 (November 1977)

Group Affiliation: Axis America

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d10, Strength: d10, Vigor d12

Charisma: , Pace: 8, Parry: 9, Toughness: 8

Skills: Climb d10, Fighting d12, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Forms of Wildlife d10), Lock Picking d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Pilot d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d10, Taunt d8,
Throw d10,

Edges: Alertness, Acrobat, Fleet footed, Frenzy, Quick, Strong Willed, Sweep, Thief,

Hindrances: Arrogant, Heartless, Loyal (Nippon Empire)

Super Powers:

Attack Melee: +1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”

Animal Control (Highest rank), Shape changer

A brief history of

DC Comics: Kung (Golden Age "Ret-Con")

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

DC Comics: Green Lantern I (Golden Age)

Real Name: Alan Wellington Scott

Occupation: Engineer/Adventurer (During WWII)
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 201 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond

Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: ALL-AMERICAN COMICS #16 (July, 1940)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d6, Vigor d8.

Charisma: +2, Pace: 6 (48 Flight), Parry: 6, Toughness: 6/14

Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d8, Intimidation d8, Investigation d8, Knowledge (Engineering) d6, Knowledge (Business) d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Repair d6, Shooting d10.

Edges: Alertness, Charisma, Connections, Command, Level Headed, Nerves Of Steel, Strong Willed.

Hindrances: Heroic, Code Of Honor, Stubborn, Loyal.

Special Weakness: “Spear Of Destiny + Holy Grail”
The Axis powers used these two objects to cast a very powerful spell that would sway any mystic based heroes under their control if they ever entered Axis occupied territories.

Super Powers:

Equipment: Power Ring+Lantern

Attack Ranged +3d6, Focus, Knock back, ROF 2
Force Control: d12+5, Bind, Elemental Tricks (All),
Flight, Force Field:+8,LBT, HW

Super Sorcery: 6 Levels

*Alan Scott can mimic any power he has ever seen.
Super Sorcery can also be used to boost Force Control up d12+8 or Attack Melee up to 5d6

Ring's Weaknesses:

*Powers are ineffective against wood.

*Green Lantern must recharge his ring by touching to the magic lantern and reciting his oath every 24 hours.

"and I shall shed my light over dark evil. For the dark things cannot stand the light, The light of the Green Lantern! "

*Green Lantern uses Spirit instead of Spell-casting, and if he suffers "Backlash," he takes Fatigue levels only (overtaxes his will).

Note: Alan Scott must make a spirit roll to activate ring.

A brief history of
The Green Lantern I

DC COMICS: The Red Panzer (Golden Age "Ret-Con")

Real Name: Helmut Streicher

Base of Operations: Mobile
Occupation: Nazi Agent
Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 205 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Unknown, presumed single.

First Appearance: Wonder Woman #228 (February 1977)

Group Affiliation: Nazi Party

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d10, Strength: d8, Vigor d10

Charisma: -, Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 7(13)

Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Lock pick d6, Knowledge (Demolitions, Engineering d10), Notice d8, Pilot d6, Repair d10, Shooting d10, Taunt d8.

Edges: Combat Reflexes, Steady Hands, Level headed, Marksman, Mechanical Genius,

Hindrances: Arrogant, Missing Eye, Loyal (Nazi Party)

Super Powers:

Red Panzer Armor:

Attack Ranged: +3d6, AP:4, Focus, Knock-Back, ROF:2
Armor +6, Heavy Armor (Full body suit)

A brief history of
The Red Panzer

DC Comics: Brainwave (Golden Age) (By Bretbo)

Real Name: Henry King
Base of Operations: Sharktooth Bay

Occupation: Professional Criminal, former psychiatrist
Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 128 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Bald
Unusual Features: Large cranium

Marital Status: Single (during WWII)

First Appearance: All-Star Comics # 15 (February-March 1943)

Group Affiliation: Injustice Society of the World

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d12+3, Spirit: d12, Strength: d4, Vigor d6

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 5

Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d10, Healing d8, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Psychiatry d12, Science d10), Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Repair d8, Shooting d8, Taunt d10

Edges: Command, Connections, Danger Sense, Level Headed, Nerves of Steel, Strong Willed

Hindrances: Arrogant, Bad Eyes (Minor), Gloater, Heartless

Super Powers:

Attack, Ranged: Damage 3d6
Illusion: 6 levels (64” cubed)
Mind Control: More minds (x10)
Mind Reading
Super-Attribute: Smarts
Telepathy: Broadcast (1 mile range)

Equipment: None

A brief history of:
Brain Wave

Sunday, April 19, 2009

DC Comics: The Atom (Golden Age)

Real Name: Al Pratt

Base of Operations: Calvin College
Occupation: College Student/Adventurer
Height: 5’ 1”

Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Unusual Features: None
Marital Status: Single (During WWII)

First Appearance:
All-American Comics #19(Oct 1940)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America,All-Star Squadron

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d8, Strength: d12/d12+5, Vigor d10

Charisma:+2, Pace: 8, Parry: 8 (11), Toughness: 8 (12)

Skills: Climb d8, Fighting d10, Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Investigation d6, Knowledge: (Sports Medicine d6), Notice d6, Pilot d6, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6, Taunt d8, Throwing d8

Edges: Acrobat, Brawny, Charismatic, Connections (Law Enforcement), Fleet-Footed, Quick, Two-Fisted.

Hindrances: Heroic. Loyal, Overconfident

(The Atom's years of weight training have eliminated the "small" hinderance)

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”

(Atomic Punch) Attack Melee: +2d6, AP 4, Focus, Elemental Trick “Radiation” Non-lethal, Knock-back
does not stack with “combat training”

Immunity: Radiation

Reflexes: Parry +3

Toughness: +4, Hardy

Blue = Power/Edges that The Atom acquires post 1943

A brief history of The Atom I

DC Comics: Johnny Thunder (Golden Age) (By Bretbo)

Real Name: John L. Thunder

Base of Operations: New York City
Occupation: Various menial jobs, Adventurer
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 178 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Flash Comics #1 (January 1940)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d10, Strength: d6, Vigor d8

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 6

Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d6, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Guts d8, Investigation d8, Knowledge (Occult d8), Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Riding d8, Shooting d6, Streetwise d6, Swimming d6

Edges: Common Bond, Connections, Dodge, Great Luck

Hindrances: Dependent (Peachy Pet, adopted daughter), Heroic, Loyal

Super Powers:

*Gifted (1)
*Jinx (6): Area Effect (Johnny can choose who is affected under the template)
*Minion (3): Summonable*

Yz the Thunderbolt (WC)

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d12+2, Strength: d10, Vigor d10

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 7

Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d12, Knowledge (Occult d12+2), Notice d12, Shooting d8, Spellcasting d12+2.

Edges: Common Bond, Danger Sense

Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance, Loyal, Servitor

Super Powers:

*Altered Form : Energy body
*Flight : Sonic speed (speed of sound)
*Immunity: Disease, poison, suffocation
*Intangibility: Phaser
*Super-Sorcery: 18 ranks

Equipment: None.

*Minion is the closest power to explain how Johnny can summon the Thunderbolt. When Johnny says the phrase “Cei-U” (pronounced “Say you”), he summons the genie-like being. He has control over the Thunderbolt for one hour and it's incapable of taking independent actions and must follow Johnny's orders.. Johnny must make a Smart's roll before ordering the thunderbolt to use it's magical abilities, if the roll fails then the consequences are usually something of a humourous nature and never seriously dangerous to Johnny or those nearby.

A brief history of Johnny Thunder

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DC Comics: The Shade (Golden Age)

Real Name: Richard Swift

Base of Operations: Mobile
Occupation: “Gentleman Thief”
Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 170 lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Unknown, presumed single.

First Appearance: Flash Comics #33

Group Affiliation: None during WWII

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d8, Spirit: d10, Strength: d6, Vigor d8

Charisma:+2, Pace: 6, Parry: 6(7), Toughness: 8(*17)

Skills: Climb d6, Fighting d6, Gambling d8, Guts d10, Intimidation d10, Lock pick d8, Knowledge (Arcane Lore, Literature d8), Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Streetwise d8, Taunt d8.

Edges: Alertness, Charismatic, Fast Healer, Luck, Thief, Strong willed

Hindrances: Code Of Honor, Heartless, Quirk: Fights superheroes for the fun of the “joust” and to relieve boredom. Weakness: Loses powers if unable to cast a shadow. (Usually caused by completly being engulfed by light)

There is the potential for someone with greater control over “The Darkness” to steal The Shade’s power, they must have the energy control “darkness” power and make a –8 spirit roll to succeed.

Super Powers:

“Darkness Control”

Animation: 11 Ranks, “Dark Force”
Attack Ranged, +2d6, Focus ROF: 3
Energy Control, Darkness, LBT
Force Control: d12+6 damage, Bind, Heavy Weapon, Maneuverable, Elemental Trick:(Darkness), Focus,*Force field. LBT.
Immunity: Cold, Disease, Poison
Teleportation (Creates shortcuts between our reality by travelling between the dark dimension)
Toughness +2, Hardy


Sword Cane: Str +1d4, +1 Parry

A brief history of The Shade

DC COMICS: Sumo the Samurai (Golden Age "Ret-Con")

Real Name: Unknown

Base of Operations: Mobile

Height: 6’ 7”
Weight: 300 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Unknown

First Appearance: All-New Collectors Edition: Superman v. Wonder Woman (1978)

Group Affiliation: Axis America

Attributes: Agility: d12, Smarts: d8, Spirit: d10, Strength: d12+2, Vigor d12+2

Charisma: 0, Pace: 12, Parry: 10, Toughness: 10(12)

Skills: Fighting d12, Guts d12, Intimidation d10, Knowledge: (Arcane Lore d6), Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Pilot d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Throwing d10,

Edges: Acrobat, Alertness, Block, Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Fast Healer, First Strike, Hard To Kill, Level Headed, Quick, Sweep, Two-Fisted.

Hindrances: Code Of Honor, Loyalty (Bushido Code)

Super Powers:

Combat Training: Attack Melee: +1d6 (Non HW)

Super Attributes: Agil, Str, Vig.
Mind Control “Hypnosis” (Interrogation purposes only)
Leaping: 1Rank
Speed:1 Rank


Katana: Str +1d10
Armor: +2 to torso, abdomen

A brief history of
Sumo The Samurai

Monday, April 13, 2009

DC Comics: Axis America (Golden Age "Ret-Con")


Real Name: Wilhelm (Last name is unknown).

Base of Operations: Mobile

Occupation: Sidekick to Dis Grosshorn Eule

Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 140lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Young All-Stars #1 (June 1987)

Group Affiliation: Axis America, Nazi Party

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d8, Strength: d6, Vigor d8

Charisma: 0, Pace: 8, Parry: 7, Toughness: 6 (9)

Skills: Climb d8, Fighting d8, Guts d10, Knowledge: (Tactics/Strategy: d8), Lock Picking d6, Notice d8, Pilot d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Taunt d10, Throwing d8,

Edges: Acrobat, Dodge. First Strike, Fleet-Footed, Quick, Sweep, Thief, Two-fisted

Hindrances: Overconfident, Loyal (Nazi Party)

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”
Smoke Capsules: MBT (-6 to sight based rolls)
Knock-Out Gas Capsules: MBT (As per “Stun. Stronger)
Grapple-line (As per Swinging, Ensnare)
Suction cups (Wall Walk)
Boomerang "Attack ranged +2d6, (Non HW) ROF:3

A brief history of


Horned Owl

Real Name: Unknown

Base of Operations: Mobile
Occupation: Axis Agent
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 200 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Unrevealed
Unusual Features: None
Marital Status: Presumably married

First Appearance: Young All-Stars #1 (June 1987)

Group Affiliation: Axis America, Nazi Party

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d10, Strength: d10, Vigor d12

Charisma: -, Pace: 8, Parry: 9, Toughness: 9

Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d10, Guts d12, Intimidation d10, Knowledge: (Security systems, Tactics) d10, Lock-picking: d8, Notice d10, Shooting: d10, Stealth d12, Streetwise d10, Throwing d10, Tracking d10.

Edges: Acrobat, Alertness, Block, Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, First Strike, Fleet-Footed, Nerves Of Steel, Quick, Sweep, Side-Kick (Fledermaus), Strong Willed, Thief, Two-Fisted.

Hindrances: Arrogant, Blood Thirsty, Loyal (Nazi Party)

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”

Utility Belt:

Smoke Capsules: MBT (-6 to sight based rolls)
Knock-Out Gas Capsules: MBT (As per “Stun. Stronger)
Grapple-line (As per Swinging, Ensnare)
Suction cups (Wall Walk)
Boomerang "Attack ranged +2d6, (Non HW) ROF:3

A brief history of
Horned Owl


Base of Operations: Mobile
Occupation: Chosen Of The Slain
Height: 6’
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Young All-Stars #1 (June 1987)

Group Affiliation: Axis America, Nazi Party

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d10, Strength: d12+4, Vigor d12+4

Charisma: -, Pace: 6, Parry: 7 Toughness: 10(12)

Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d12, Intimidate d10, Notice d8, Riding d12, Shooting d12, Throwing d12, Tracking d8

Edges: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Beast Bond, Block, Quick Draw, Side-Kick (Stormwind), Trademark Weapon (Lance).

Hindrances: Clueless, Loyal (Nazi Party)

Super Powers:

Super Attributes:Str, Vigor

*As a Valkrie, Gudra is bestowed with the power to remove the soul of a fallen warrior and take it to Valhalla.


Mystic Lance: Attack Melee: +5d6, Focus, Knockback Attack Ranged +3d6, Knock-Back, ROF:2 *one turn to recharge before firing again

Armor: +2
Sword: Str +1d10
Medium Shield: +1 Parry, +2 Armor to ranged shots that hit

"Winged Horse" : Stormwind

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12.
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d10, Notice d6, Stealth d6.
Pace: 10 (48 Flight), Parry: 6, Toughness: 10
Special Abilities: Kick: Str+1d4, Size +3, Wings (Flight at 48’)

A brief history of Gudra

Sea Wolf

Real Name: Unknown

Base of Operations: Mobile
Occupation: Axis Agent
Height: 5’9”

Weight: 170 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: Brown
Unusual Features: wolf like humanoid

Marital Status: Unknown

First Appearance: Young All-Stars #1 (June 1987)

Group Affiliation: Axis America, Nazi Party

Attributes: Agility: d6/d10, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d6, Strength: d8/d12+2, Vigor d10/d12+4

Charisma: -, Pace: 6/8/48(Swimming), Parry: 6/7 Toughness: 7/10

Skills: Fighting d8/d10, Guts d10, Intimidation d8/d12, Notice d8/d12, Stealth d6/d10, Swimming d10/d12, Shooting d6, Throwing d6, Tracking d8/d12,Taunt d8.

Edges: Fleet-Footed, Quick, Thief

Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance, Heartless, Gimmick: Must be submerged in water for powers to activate, Power negation: takes effect if out of the water for more that 15 minutes.
Weakness: Werewolves suffer normal damage from silver weapons.

Super Powers:

(While in Wolf form)

Attack Melee (Claws) +1d6 Heavy Weapon
Healing, Rejuvenation, Restoration, Revive (Self Only)
Heightened Senses, Tracking
Invulnerability: Werewolves can only be Shaken by weapons that are not silver—not wounded.
Speed (Swimming only)
Super Attributes: Str, Vigor
Super Skills
Super Edges

A brief history of:
Sea Wolf


Real Name: Unknown

Base of Operations: Mobile

Occupation: Axis Agent

Height: 6’ 3”
Weight: 255 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None
Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Unknown

First Appearance: Young All-Stars #1 (June 1987)

Group Affiliation: Axis America, Nazi Party

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d10, Strength: d12+7,
Vigor d12+6

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6 (24), Parry: 6 Toughness: 14

Skills: Fighting d12, Guts d10, Notice d8, Taunt d8, Throw d10.

Edges: Brawny, Sweep, Two-Fisted.

Hindrances: Arrogant, Overconfident, Loyal, (Nazi Party)

Super Powers:

Attack melee: +2d6, Focus, Knockback
Leaping: Vertical: 32’, Horizontal: 64’.
Super speed: 4 X Pace
Toughness: +2, Hardy, Heavy Armor

A brief history of

Usil The Sun Archer

Real Name: Unknown.

Base of Operations: Mobile

Occupation: Axis Agent

Height: 6’
Weight: 190
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Unknown

First Appearance: Young All-Stars #1 (June 1987)

Group Affiliation: Axis America

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d6, Strength: d8, Vigor d10

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 7 Toughness: 7

Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Guts d8, Intimidate d8, Lock Picking d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d12, Stealth d8.

Edges: Alert, Acrobat, Dodge. First Strike, Fleet-Footed, Rich, Sweep, Two-fisted

Hindrances: Overconfident, Loyal (Axis America)

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”


Long Bow: Range: 15/30/60

Attack Ranged (Arrows) +2d6, ROF:2
Smoke Arrows: MBT (-6 to sight based rolls)
Arrow-line (As per Swinging or Ensnare)
Stun Arrow:Stun, Stronger

A brief history of
Usil The Sun Archer

Sunday, April 12, 2009

DC Comics: Vandal Savage (Golden Age)

Real Name: Vandar Ang

Base of Operations: Mobile

Occupation: Conqueror

Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 176 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Unknown (Perhaps several times over the ages)

First Appearance: Green Lantern vol. 1 #10 (Winter 1943)

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d12, Strength: d12/d12+3, Vigor d12/d12+3

Charisma: +2, Pace: 6, Parry: 8, Toughness: 9/10.

Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d12, Intimidation d12, Investigate d8, Knowledge: (Business, History, Occult, d12), Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Repair d6, Shooting d8, Taunt d10, Throwing d10.

Edges: Charismatic, Block, Brawny, Filthy Rich, First Strike, Improved level Headed, Two-Fisted, Strong Willed, Tough as Nails.

Hindrances: Arrogant, Blood Thirsty, Overconfident

Super Powers:

Ageless, Very Old
Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”
Immortal: Construct (must restore damaged body parts with those from his own bloodline)
Leap 1 Level
Speak Language
Super Attributes: Strength, Vigor +3

*Must drink human blood once a month to maintain them.
Teleport, More Range (Distance unknown)
(Vandal Savage has the ability to create Inter-dimensional-warps, he usually activates these to use as a getaway in dire situations)


Vandal Savage has had access to technology/occult artifacts that have made him the rival of The Green lantern and even the JSA

A brief history of Vandal Savage

DC Comics: Stalker (Golden Age "Ret-Con")

Real Name: Unknown.

Base of Operations: Mobile
Occupation: Destroyer Of Worlds
Height: 8’ 2”

Weight: 420 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Unusual Features: 8’ tall, armored warrior with red glowing eyes.

Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Stalker #1, (July 1975)

Group Affiliation: None

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d8, Spirit: d12, Strength: d12+4, Vigor d12+2

Charisma: 0, Pace: 8, Parry: 9, Toughness: 13 (16).

Skills: Fighting d12, Guts d12, Intimidation d12, Knowledge: (Tactics/Strategy: d10), Notice d8, Shooting d10, Spell casting d10, Stealth d10, Taunt d10, Throwing d12,

Edges: Block, Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Fleet footed, Quick, Strong Willed, Two-Fisted

Hindrances: Code Of Honor, Heartless, Overconfident, Weakness (The Stalker is soulless, if a soul can be cast into his body then his powers are weakened)

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+2d6, Focus, Knockback
Attack, Ranged: 2d6, Elemental Trick: Microwaves, ROF:2
Growth +1, Monster
Leap 1 Level
Super Attributes, Strength, Vigor
Toughness +2 , Hardy, Heavy Armor
*Super Sorcery 12 Levels
(Usually focused on spells related to combat, ie: Attack’s Melee or Ranged can be maxed out, Str can raised, healing used etc…)

The Stalker had this power during the time he absorbed the "essence" of Dr. Fate, The Spectre, Sargon and Zartana.


Armor +3

Great sword Str+d10, Parry -1, 2 hands

A brief history of
The Stalker

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

DC COMICS:Solomon Grundy (Golden Age)

Real Name: Solomon Grundy

Base of Operations: Slaughter Swamp (Outside Gotham City)
Height: 7’ 5”

Weight: 517 lbs
Eyes: White
Hair: White

Unusual Features: Low sloping brow, zombie like skin colour.

Marital Status: n/a

First Appearance: All-American Comics #61 (October 1944)

Group Affiliation: Injustice Society

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d4, Spirit: d6, Strength: d12+10, Vigor d12+8

Charisma: -4, Pace: 8, Parry: 7, Toughness: 18

Skills: Climb d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d12, Notice d6, Throw d6,

Edges: Berserk, Brawny, Fleet-footed, Sweep, Two-Fisted

Hindrances: All-Thumbs, Clueless, Mean, Overconfident, Ugly.

Super Powers:

Attack Melee: +3d6, AP 5, Focus, Knock-back
Construct (Ignore “repair only)
Growth +1, Monster
Healing, Rejuvination (self only)
Immunity, Magic, Cold, Heat
Toughness +4, Hardy, Heavy Armor

From the wiki:

Solomon Grundy has superhuman strength and endurance. His strength has varied greatly through the years, for instance, in the Long Halloween story arc, Batman beat Grundy, while at various points his strength is on par with Superman's. He is virtually indestructible thanks to the elemental energy that imbues his form with pseudo-life. He is nearly invulnerable to physical, magical and energy attacks and he is not affected by fire or cold. He has proven highly resistant to the effects of the
original Green Lantern's power ring (which is attributed to his part-plant essence; originally because he had absorbed plant matter from the swamp, and later because he was a partial "plant elemental" like Swamp Thing). He does not need to eat, sleep or breathe.

While he has occasionally been destroyed, he has always returned to life sooner or later, though often with different personalities and powers.

A brief history of Solomon Grundy

DC Comics: Deathbolt

Real Name: Jake Simmons

Base of Operations: Mobile
Occupation: Criminal
Height: 5’ 11”

Weight: 182 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Unknown, presumed single.

First Appearance: All-Star Squadron #21 (May 1983)

Group Affiliation: Lackey of The Ultra-Humanite

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d6, Strength: d8, Vigor d10

Charisma: -, Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 7.

Skills: Climb d8, Fighting d6, Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Lock pick d6, Notice d8, Pilot d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Streetwise d8, Taunt d8.

Edges: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Steady Hands, Marksman

Hindrances: Arrogant, Mean

Super Powers:

Attack, Ranged: 3d6, Elemental Trick:Electricity. Knock-Back, ROF:2

Energy Control: “Electricity”

Immunity: Electrical Attacks

A brief history of Deathbolt

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

DC Comics: Starman (Golden Age)

Real Name: Theodore “Ted” Henry Knight

Base of Operations: Opal City
Occupation: Astronomer/Adventurer
Height: 6’

Weight: 177 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Unusual Features: None

Marital Status: Single (During WWII)

First Appearance: Adventure Comics #61 (April, 1941)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society Of America, All-Star Squadron

Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d10, Strength: d6, Vigor d8

Charisma: -, Pace: 6, ( Flight: 48) Parry: 6 Toughness: 6 (Force Field:15)

Skills: Climb d8, Fighting d8, Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Investigation d6, Knowledge: (Astronomy, Physics: d10), Lock Picking d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Pilot d6, Repair d8, Shooting d10, Streetwise (Opal City d10), Taunt d8.

Edges: Connections, Dodge, Filthy Rich, Mechanical Genius, McGyver, Quick Draw (Cosmic Rod), Scholar (Astronomy, Physics), Steady Hands, Sweep.

Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal.

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”


Cosmic Rod:

Attack, Ranged: 4d6, Elemental Trick: Light/Heat, Focus, ROF:1

Energy Control: Elemental Trick: (Light/Heat), Selective
Force Control: d12+6 damage, Flight (4 levels), Bind, Heavy Weapon, Maneuverable,
Elemental Trick:(Light/Heat), Focus, Forcefield +9. MBT.

A brief history of:
Starman I

DC Comics: Dr. Mid-Nite (Golden Age) (By Bretbo)

Real Name: Charles McNider

Base of Operations: New York City
Occupation: Physician, Author, Adventurer
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 179lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Unusual Features: No unusual features
Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: All-American Comics #25 (April 1941)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d8, Strength: d6, Vigor d8

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 6

Skills: Climb d6, Fighting d8, Guts d12, Healing d12, Intimidation d10, Investigation d6, Knowledge:( Chemistry d10), Lock Picking d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d6, Pilot d6, Repair d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Streetwise d8, Taunt d6, Throwing d8.

Edges: Alertness, Beast Bond, Block, Connections, Dodge, Healer, Rich, Sweep, Strong Willed, Thief

Hindrances: Blind*, Heroic, Loyal
*Dr. Mid-Nite is only blind in daylight conditions without special infrared glasses or goggles.

Super Powers:

Attack Melee (2): +1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”

Darkvision (2) –2 to recover from blinding stun attacks.


Blackout Bombs: Creates a Large Burst Template area of darkness, where all attacks or attribute rolls are at -6. Goggles The goggles have no special qualities, other than they allow Dr. Mid-Nite to see in daylight

“Hooty” Dr. Mid-Nite's trained, owl companion

Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d4(A), Spirit: d6, Strength: d4, Vigor d6

Pace: 2, Parry: 5, Toughness: 5.

Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice d12+4, Stealth d8

Special Abilities:
*Claws: Str+d4
*Darkvision: can see in the dark, eliminating darkness penalties.
*Flying: Flying Pace 8”, Climb 4”.
*Size -1

A brief history of Dr. Mid-Nite:
Dr. Mid-Nite I

Friday, April 03, 2009

DC Comics: Hourman (Golden Age)

Real Name: Rex “Tick Tock” Tyler.

Base of Operations: New York City
Occupation: Chemist, Adventurer
Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 181 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Single during WWII

First Appearance: Adventure Comics #48 (March 1940)

Group Affiliation: Freedom Fighters, Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron

Attributes: Agility: d6/ d12+2, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d8, Strength:d6/d12+6,
Vigor d6/ d12+6,

Charisma: +2, Pace: 6/24, Parry: 6 Toughness: 5/13

Skills: Climb d6/d10, Fighting d6/d10, Healing d6,Guts d10, Investigation d6, Knowledge: (Chemistry/Pharmeceuticals d12), Notice d8, Pilot d6, Repair d10, Stealth d6, Swimming d6/d12, Taunt d10, Throwing d6/ d10,

Edges: Alertness, Charismatic, Connections, Combat Reflexes, Frenzy, Quick,Scholar (Chemistry/Pharmeceuticals),Two-fisted.

Hindrances: Habit: Addicted to “Miraclo”, Heroic, Loyal, Overconfident (while on “Miraclo”)

Super Powers:

"Miraclo Pill"

After taking a “Miraclo Pill”, Hour Man has the powers listed below for one hour. He has to wait six more hours until he can take another pill safely. If another pill is taken before then or if someone not of the Tyler gene line takes a pill then they take 2 wounds damage.Failing a Vigor roll results in picking up Habit (Major: Combat Drugs), and possible later illnesses.

Attack Melee +2d6, AP 5, Focus, Knock-back

Leaping: Vertical: 32’, Horizontal: 64’.
Super Attributes
Super Edges
Super Skills
Super Speed: 4X Pace
Toughness: +2, Hardy, Heavy Armor

Green = Trait/Edge bonuses that Hour Man possesses while on “Miraclo”.

Equipment: Miraclo Pills

A brief history of
Hour-Man I

DC Comics: Sandman + Sandy the Golden Boy (Golden Age)

Real Name: Wesley “”Wes” Dodds

Base of Operations: New York City
Occupation: Entrepreneur, Adventurer
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 172lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Unusual Features: No unusual features

Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Adventure Comics #40 (July, 1939)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America,All-Star Squadron

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d10, Strength: d6, Vigor d8

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 6.

Skills: Climb d6, Fighting d8, Guts d10, Healing d6, Intimidation d10, Investigation d10, Lock-Picking d10, Knowledge:( Criminology d10, History d8), Lock Picking d10, Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Pilot d6, Repair d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Streetwise d8, Taunt d6, Throwing d8,

Edges: Block, Connections, Dodge, Level headed, Filthy Rich, Investigator, McGyver, Quick Draw, Side-Kick (Sandy The Golden Boy), Sweep, Strong Willed, Thief, Trademark Weapon (Gas-Gun, Wire-Poon Gun)

Hindrances: Curious, Heroic, Loyal, Weak heart
(Must make Vigor roll after any Strength related roll, If fails The Sandman is shaken, if “1” is rolled on the trait die he suffers a heart attack”)

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”


Gas Gun: Range: 12/24/48, Shots 6, RoF: 1,
Damage as per “Stun”, Stronger.
Targets who are exposed to gas are at –2 for the purposes of interrogation by The Sandman.

Wire-Poon Gun: “Damage from grapnel” 1d10,
Range: 7/12/25, Shots 1, RoF: 1
As per Swinging, Ensnare

A brief history of
The Sandman I

Sandy The Golden Boy

Real Name: Sanderson Hawkins

Base of Operations: New York City

Occupation: Student, Adventurer
Height: 5’9 1/2”
Weight: 143 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond
Unusual Features: None
Marital Status: Single

First Appearance: Adventure Comics # 69 (December 1941)

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron,

Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d8, Strength: d6, Vigor d6.

Charisma: +2, Pace: 6, Parry:6, Toughness: 5

Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Guts d8, Investigate d6,Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Throwing d6

Edges: Alertness, Acrobat, Charismatic, Quick, Strong Willed, Sweep.

Hindrances: Code Of Honor, Heroic, Loyal,

Super Powers:

Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”


Wire-Poon Gun: “Damage from grapnel” 1d10,Range: 7/12/25, Shots 1, RoF: 1


A brief history of
Sandy The Golden Boy